In House Training

There is no one size fits all when it comes to customized in house training. We work with you to develop a customized negotiation experience that solves the challenges that your company is facing.

We will invest time up front to ensure that we understand your business and your negotiation challenges. We do this by assessing your team’s negotiation best practices and preparing a customized negotiation roleplay with you. This process gives us everything we need to know to make your team feel like we have been working with you for years.

Our team comes to you and delivers an immersive experience that will change how you think about preparing for and executing your negotiations. We don’t send professional trainers, we send professionals who have years of experience negotiating from the front lines. Our trainers pair relevant negotiation principles with real-world B2B negotiation stories and roleplays. Delivery is capped by a team-based roleplay where we bring everything together. This roleplay is recorded and debriefed with your team to ensure behavior change. There is no hiding from the camera!

Our engagement isn’t over after delivery, we stick with your team to ensure their behavior changes and you start getting better results. Specifically, we will give your team an assessment thirty days after delivery to see what concepts they are using and what principles need reinforcement. Six months after delivery we host a virtual follow-up session to reinforce their negotiation skills and workshop negotiations that are currently involved in. We also recommend adding future deal support to your engagement. Clients who have done this see impressive results.

What can you expect from your negotiation experience investment?

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A new company-wide vocabulary that your team uses to work together more efficiently

A trainer with real-world B2B negotiating experience, not a professional presenter.

Hear real-world negotiation stories that cement the central themes of our material.

Your team will understand how their natural negotiation style impacts their negotiation

An understanding of how to prevent your negotiations from becoming single-issue competitive encounters.

A process that makes preparation for your complex B2B negotiations manageable.

A partner who put skin in the game and sticks with you and your team after delivery.

Confidence to deal with more powerful counterparts.

A new approach to preparing for and dealing with your B2B negotiations.


Project managers who want to learn how to negotiate with their stakeholders and get PDU credits.
Procurement professionals engaged in B2B negotiations
Sales professionals engaged in B2B negotiations


Day 1
Negotiation Principles (1 Day)

Here, we lay the foundation of essential negotiation theory. Day one gives attendees a solid base to build on for the next two days. All concepts are accompanied by real-world negotiation stories and short role-plays.

Day 2
Negotiation Tools &
Interpersonal Dynamics (1 Day)

In this section, we give you tools that will help you enter your next negotiation confident, relaxed, and prepared to take control. We also focus on interpersonal dynamics in the negotiation and explore how to navigate challenges that happen at the table.

Day 3
Roleplay (1/2 Day)

Day three will give you opportunities to implement the negotiation principles and practice your new-found negotiation tools in an involved team-based roleplay.



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