3-Day Face-to-Face Negotiation Class

August 13, 14 & 15 2024

Thrive Workplace 201 Milwaukee St, Unit 200 Denver CO 80206

4 Seats Available! .

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What Will You Learn in our Negotiation Class?

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Understand how your natural negotiation style is influencing your outcomes.

Gain discipline in the preparation and execution of B2B negotiations.

Hear real-world negotiation stories that cement the central themes of our material.

Master relevant negotiation principles that work.

Receive a set of tools that will help you enter your negotiation better prepared.

Participate in challenging roleplays that bring theories to life.

Build an unshakable value proposition that will prevent you from giving away value.

Start influencing the outcome of your negotiations ahead of time

$3,300 / Participant
Don’t Practice on Gameday! Learn how to prepare for and execute your most challenging negotiations.
1 Seat Left!

Who Can Benefit From This Class?

Project managers who want to learn how to negotiate with their stakeholders and get PDU credits.
Procurement professionals engaged in B2B negotiations
Supply Chain
Sales professionals engaged in B2B negotiations

“I've been in your shoes and I'm going to teach you everything that I know about negotiations and what works in the real world. This is why I will teach you how to think about negotiations using principles. I'm not an academic and I'm not going to bore you with negotiation theory. I'm going to teach you what works and you are going to start negotiating better!”

Erich Rifenburgh, Negotiation Expert
Day 1
Negotiation Principles

Here, we lay the foundation of essential negotiation theory. Day one gives attendees a solid base to build on for the next two days. All concepts are accompanied by real-world negotiation stories and short role-plays.

August 13, 2024
9:00 to 5:00 MST
Day 2
Negotiation Tools &
Interpersonal Dynamics

In this section, we give you tools that will help you enter your next negotiation confident, relaxed, and prepared to take control. We also focus on interpersonal dynamics in the negotiation and explore how to navigate challenges that happen at the table.

August 14, 2024
9:00 to 5:00 MST
Day 3

Day three will give you opportunities to implement the negotiation principles and practice your new-found negotiation tools in an involved team-based roleplay.

August 15, 2024
8:30 to 12:20 MST

We Focus on Principles and Teach You a Process!

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